Vikri Haryo Seno
Disraeli once said that all other things being equal, the person who succeeds will be the person with the best information. For leaders, learning isn’t an academic pursuit. Leaders learn not just to know more but to be more. Learning is a critical means to an important end. It is how they find the ideas that fuel their ongoing improvement. Here’s how they do it:

1. Leaders make investigation and inquiry a way of life.

2. Leaders ask more and better questions of more and different people.

3. Leaders think for themselves.

4. Leaders choose critical thinking over the convenience of conjecture.

5. Leaders learn in future tense.

6. Leaders learn the most important stuff the fastest.

7. Leaders design their own continuing education program.

8. Leaders listen to their intuition.

Among many other things, with "How to Lead: Discover the Leader Within You", you learn how to:

  • Create a reliable, robust and attractive vision of the future that people will respect and believe in (meaning that they'll enthusiastically follow your lead);

  • Communicate your vision, and see the benefits as people work to the best of their abilities to complete the projects you initiate successfully;
  • Grow your self-confidence, becoming a calm and self-confident leader, and one who inspires confidence in others;

  • Build a reputation for expertise and a track record of achievement that teams members and your peers will come to respect, value and trust;

  • Make good decisions under pressure, with the confidence that you’ve done the homework needed for these decisions to be right;

  • Build a strong, flexible and highly effective team, expanding your ability to deliver many times over;

  • Develop the sureness of touch shown by the best leaders, and learn to build the empathic, mutually trusting relationships needed for maximum team performance;

  • Enjoy mutually rewarding, co-operative working relationships with team members and peers. And enjoy the happy, energizing atmosphere that comes with this;

  • Keep people on target and performing well together in a “firm but fair way” that gets the job done while respecting the rights of team members;

  • Learn to inspire and motivate team members so that they'll "go to the ends of the Earth" to give their very best;

  • Become a truly inspirational leader, and enjoy the perks that come with this.

As you learn and start using these skills, you'll become the natural choice for advancement and promotion. Your career will take off, and you'll quickly gather the financial and emotional rewards that come with success. You can join the ranks of the high flyers.


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